Friday, January 27, 2012


  1. Talk about your anxiety.  Just talking about a nightmare take away the fear for a little child, talking about anxiety helps reduce it. 
  2. Sleep.  Lack of sleep reduces our defenses.
  3. Eat wisely.  Eat three meals a day.  Avoid greasy or acidic foods just before a test; this will help a nervous stomach.  Avoid overeating, caffeine, and avoid meals high in carbohydrates just before the test.
  4. Allow enough time to get to the test without hurrying.
  5. Do not to participate in other students’ anxiety as everyone waits for the test.  This just weakens confidence. 
  6. Do not to flip idly through your notes as you wait for your test.  If you feel you have to look at something, find something to look at that you know.  This will boost your confidence.
  7. Answer the easy questions first.  This will relax you and give you confidence. Put off answering those questions you are unsure of until later in the test.
  8. Sit apart from those students who might distract you by their heavy breathing and movement.
  9. Have plenty of pencils so you do not have to lose precious time getting up to sharpen them.
  10. Sit where you can see the clock so you can pace yourself.
  11. Do not to panic when you become aware of other students finishing before you.  Use as much time as you need.  This test is not about them, anyway.  It is about showing what you know. 
  12. If you feel nervous during the test, take a few seconds to close your eyes and to breathe deeply and slowly a few times.  Focus on relaxing some of your muscles. 
  13. If the teacher distracts you, advocate for herself: you can ask the teacher who walks around the room not to hover by your desk, and you can tell the teacher who plays music or talks to other teachers during the test that you find this kind of environment to be distracting.                                                                       

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